Evolution is a bit of a slippery word, I think it can mean different things to different people. In lots of cases, it means the random development of all life, without regards to a intelligent creator. Some people think it was the means used to create life by a intelligent creator. Others have many other understandings of what exactly evolution is, what it means to them. Since so much of the word evolution is tied to "without creator" the word I usually use is adaptability to describe the obvious versatility of genes. They can and do change to cope with changing circumstances. However, I and a good number of other people take it as truth that "God created all the different "kinds" of animals, according to their "kinds" which is why you can breed some things together and get a new "breed" but eventually you always hit a genetic dead end where eventually the offspring is sterile. You cannot breed a snake and eventually end up with a frog. Or anything else, even things fairly close. People can look at the data and either decide that in all that time and the vastness of the universes, the random appearance of both DNA and RNA at the same time, along with all the other conditions to get life going and changing is a good bet or you can look at the odds and say for all these factors needed for everything to come together and work perfectly, is so astronomical, it would be a bigger leap of faith than to decide to believe that something intelligent put it all together. After having looked at a good number of the theories of evolution, or random chance life and how DNA, RNA and bunch of other things work, I personally have cast my bet on a creator. Again, there are a great number of scientists who have come to the same conclusion. And again, yes there are a lot who still think random chance life is the better bet. And I don't especially care what any of you have decided or will decide is the most logical to you, after investigating it a bit. But the assumption that someone has chosen one or the other without understanding anything about it or questioning it, is annoying. Granted, there are a lot of people, on both sides of the question, who do believe whatever it was they were taught or just most want to believe, without questioning. But to assume that about anyone who happens to disagree with you, is condescending.
Well that's it for my rant, really this time!

No offense intended to anyone and the use of the word
you is general, not picking on anyone.