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So What's Your Snake(s) Called?

Male corns;

Blue motley -Korben (Fifth element)
Granite - JarJar Binks (Star Wars)
Bloodred - Count Orlock (name of Dracula before becoming a vampire)
Maimi phase - Perseus (first thought to be a female, named Medusa but turned out to be a male, and Perseus destroyed Medusa)
(Miami phase) Motley - Zedd (character in favorite fantasy book series)

Female corns;

Amel - Blutengel (German dark wave band)
Sunglow motley - Sigma (Sig is the rune sign for sun, she replaced my previous sun mot called Sig)
Amel - Thea (Dutch character from a childrend's TV show, not named by me)
Snow motley - Gwendolynn (means 'white rings' in Gaelic or some language like that)
Butter - Beurre la Belle (French for 'Butter the beauty')
Normal exp. het bloodred - Bloody Mary
Normal - Leeloo (supposed to be paired up with Korben but changed plans)
Hypo (Crimson?) - Sedona (place in the USA I have been with rocks colored like her)
Hypo (poss. het blood) - Kira (after Kira Knightly in 'Dragonheart' in which she was a redhead)

Other snakes;

Emoryi female - Freya (just liked it)
Corn x unknown king snake female - Milka (brand of chocolate, she has rich brown colored bandings)
Cali king female - Medusa (she is EVIL)
Speckled king male - Zoltan (from movie Dude where is my car)
Texas Bairdi's; Anakin and Padme (Starwars, duh)
Jungle carpet python male - Imhoteb (from The Mummy)
San Diego gopher male- Smeagol (got him for half the price because he was mean)
Yellow ratsnake female - Auria (Aurus is chemical name for gold)
Dumeril's boa female - Anck Su Namun (The Mummy again)
Holden, Ruby, Diana, Macabee, Kiwi, and Spooky are
1.1 bloodreds, .1 Amel blood, .1 gopher, .1 MBK, and .1 Hypo Pueblan Milk

And a bunch of baby bloodreds I'm still hanging onto..
I LOVE naming my snakes...... and like many I enjoy theme naming. I really have too many to actually list but here are the themes:

Any Morph Motleys get Battlestar Gallactica names: Adama, Helo, Starbuck
Any Morph Stripe get Hitchikers Guide to The Galaxy names: Zaphod, Marvin
Sunkissed get Deadwood (HBO) names: Bullock, Hearst, Joanie
Bloods get God/Goddess names: Kira, Devi, Persephone, Lucius, Athena
Any Normal gets a name that means hidden or secret in another language
Okeetee female is named Sorcha (bright if I remember correctly)
Caramel or variations of Caramel get Elven names.
Lava and Lava hets get names that mean Fire or Hot... cause thats what they are!!! Smokin :D

When I got my first Lavenders I was blown away - they didn't look purple to me... so no descriptive names there. I choose Hawiian or Polynesian names that mean mist or dew: Alaula, Noelani

Black Rat Snakes get Firefly (SciFi) names: Wash, Zoe
Bairdi Rat Snakes got River and Drizzle... water names.. who knows why.

Western Hognose: Gimley from Lord of the Rings... because he LOOKS like em. When I got the female I simply named her Gimlet cause she was the same but tiny :D

King Snakes have been the funnest so far - we sit around and laugh when trying to come up with these. The rule is that they have to have a Gangster sounding name attached to a body part that a snake doesn't have:

Leggs McGee
Jimmy The Foot
Billy Big Guns
Fannie Fingers
Evil Eye Eddie
Long Arm Louie
Baby Face Jane

The only time that snakes don't get a theme name is when we actually get them from someone whos already named them. We have a Batman, Zero, Ceasar, Mohito, Kaluah and so on... we just don't re-name them for some reason.

I'm thinking I need a Battle Worm series though :D hehehe

Have fun all!

My first snake, Chester, got that name because I liked it. Im not even sure what sex he is, but it will stay either way.

Irwin is my Amel. He was named after Steve Irwin.

Sui is one of my Normal females. She was named after Steve Irwin's dog.

Corwin is my Normal male. He was named after Jeff Corwin.

And Hannah is my other Normal Female. I just like the name, but everyone says I either named her after Jack Hannah or Hannah Montana,lol.
My pewter is called Cerberus, simply because I've always enjoyed Greek mythology and I thought that was a cool sounding name.

I was also thinking Khouri after my favorite character from Alastair Reynold's Revelation Space books, but I'll save that one for another pet.
Blutengel said:
Darn forgot the blue beauty lady... Ayla (named after character in a book series)

...You named your snake after the main character of the Clan of the Cave bears?
So, Bluetengel. I officially dig you. XDDD You, are awesome.
This is just the cornsnakes, I am leaving out the blue tongue skink, leopard gecko, rosy boas and pet rats.

Calvin - amel boy. Amels were the first "designer" snake so he was named after Calvin Klein.

Kate - I liked the name and thought it went with Calvin.

Keeper - first snake I ever hatched. Only one out of 12 eggs to hatch. Naturally a keeper!

Sniper - hatched the year of the DC sniper,2002.

Snafu - unexpected color, a total snafu!

Sangria - sweet and red, like the wine

Horcrux - A Harry Potter referance, any fan will understand the meaning!

Havoc - I liked the meaning.

Hatteras - After the weather station on Cape Hatteras.

Kismet - I think it means fate, I liked the sound of it.

Kato - was Katrina until I saw hemipenes!

Kessler - Kramer's original name (in the first episode) of Seinfeld.

Beacon - will prove or disprove whether Kismet, Kato and Kessler are striped bloods, and turn a beacon on them!

Syko - was a psycho baby.

Steve Irwin - after the croc hunter.

I hopefully have 4 coming this year, 1 is a hypo blood hatched and feeding, 2 are lavenders that are hatched and havent fed yet, and one is a lavender and is due to hatch next week.
Their names...

Elphaba - the hypo blood. The name of The Wicked Witch Of The West.

Lugosi - his father's name is Vlad, so I named him after the actor who played Dracula in 1931.

Luna - Vlad's daughter, named after the goddess of the moon.

Javelin - a spear. I believe Vlad is her father as well.

I already posted this. But last week I recieved an incredible amel motley girl het butter from Kathy Love.
I watched the news that night and HAD to name her Taser.
Snow f - Aino (a maiden in Finnish folklore)
Bloodred m - Smaug (After the dragon in The Hobbit)
Pewter f - Morrigan (celtic goddess of death)
Snow stripe m - Loke (Norse trickster god, known as Loki in most languages)
Well the only snake I have is named Jake, I usually call him Jakey though, and Jakey Snakey. Or silly snakey because of the things he does lol! I'd have thought lots of people would have called their snakes Jake.

If I get a snow female I'm going to call her Phantom.
Nozomi said:
...You named your snake after the main character of the Clan of the Cave bears?
So, Bluetengel. I officially dig you. XDDD You, are awesome.

Yes I did, thank you! I read the whole series, and you?
Blutengel said:
Yes I did, thank you! I read the whole series, and you?
Me too! I've got them all so far, I like the detail about the ecology and the ways of surviving.(for me it gets a bit silly with all the 'naughty bits', I think it spoils the story to go on and on about sex, sex, sex in it)
diamondlil said:
Me too! I've got them all so far, I like the detail about the ecology and the ways of surviving.(for me it gets a bit silly with all the 'naughty bits', I think it spoils the story to go on and on about sex, sex, sex in it)

I so agree on that! This and that about rose buds and stuff... :rolleyes:
starsevol said:
But Beanie, you could get a Phantom and name it Phantom! :)

Lol thats true, but lack of variety available (and my lack of funds) will mean I will most likely be getting a snow next... and I like the name phantom, it should suit a snow too lol!
Blutengel said:
Yes I did, thank you! I read the whole series, and you?

The very same. XD Well. I believe I did. I got to the book where she spawned and named her kid after him and helped the alcoholic mothers kids and... After that I think I stopped. it was some years ago, though.

Tell me you have a yellow snake named Jondalar. :B That would make my life.
I do not own a yellow male snake, but if I ever get one, I prmise it will be called Jondalar! Or if I ever get me a male mate for Ayla of course....

Not sure how the series ended, I think she became a medicine woman eventually and lived happily ever after...
While having lots and lots of sex andmaking all the animals love her and figurig out all sorts of new inventions... XDD;

I love the series, I really do. But Ayla was good at -everything-. And gorgeous. And mysterious. And perfect. And she had a lot of sex. Still love her. Just. She's too perfect. ;;

I wish to see the spawn of Jondalar and Ayla if you ever have them. >D