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What's the weight of your largest '05?


Dean is not in any clique around here, there never was a clique the last time I checked (but its funny how those on the fringe always accuse everyone of being in one).

I don't think it's clique-y here BUT this statement bugs me...I know, I am being anal, :rolleyes: but you said there wasn't a clique here, and then in the next sentence you say that fringe people accuse those in it.

So there is a clique then? :shrugs: Can I join? My Dad will buys us all satin jackets!
Compared to some of you, I have two small 05's. My female 'tee is at 26g, my male Anery is at 24g. When I got my anery, he weighed in at 12g (beginning of October). I didn't weigh my female when I got her. Both came from Don. Her hatch date was in late July, his was in late August. They are both now on a 6 day fuzzy feeding schedule. I was feeding them on a 5 day schedule when they were on pinks. I am happy with the rate at which they are growing.
Taceas said:
There's also some lunatic in the Photo Gallery who calls cohabitation of snakes a "rare artform", it'll be a rare artform when one eats the other. I have my opinions on such practices that are less than savory. But ya know what, I do manage to keep myself either A) Quiet or B) Polite, neither of which you were. And for that, I think you owe some apologies.
So calling someone with an opposing opinion a lunatic is being polite?? :shrugs:
bryanc said:
My Dad will buys us all satin jackets!

Cool! I want my jacket to have a picture of me jamming a weaned rat down an already engorged 2-week old corn hatchling's throat with a popsicle stick. Instead of my name, I want the initials PF embroidered on it. :grin01:
Along the same lines, I have fed poor-doing hatchlings 1/2 or 1/3 or a fuzzie cut lengthwise to up the energy value in what they DO eat. I don't see anything wrong in it.
Personally, it bothers me none how and what Dean feeds his snakes, as long as it is not crickets.. If that is his perogative, then so be it.. My feeding regime is easy.. I don't have enough time to "power" feed, nor would I have the money.. Every one of my snakes, no matter the size, are feed in a 5 to 7 window. Works for me, but I am still way to new to this whole game, and to busy other wise to actually see what power feeding might do for my critters. IMHO, I do the best I can for the best qaulity of life for my animals.. If anything, I can be held guilty of not feeding the big enough prey item, but I have been working on that.

Duff, I think your probably very passionant about your animals, and you want the best for them, who doesn't. This is Dean's way to feed and you have your own, and you realize that. C'est La Vie.. No use pounding your head against the wall, because it will not change a thing.. There is no shame in accepting that, I have done that very same thing here from time to time, because it is the reasonable thing to do, and it really cuts down on a lot of clutter on the web site. I don't reply to posts any more that I feel are different to my values or opinions. Not worth my time to sit and argue any more. My time is more important spent trying to do my best for the Kids & Wife and then the pets..

There is a clique here? There are a few members that hang in the chat room, and you are more than welcome to come and join, as I am sure you have something to offer the table. I know here and in r/l, I have no clique I belong to, tends to happen when you are strong willed and bull headed like myself..

Ah well, I am certain I might have stirred someones pot some place, although there were no intentions to.

Bryan, I was mainly refering those who sit the sidelines and like to stir the pot occasionally. Nothing meant by it really, I just couldn't find any other way to say it.

Duff said:
So calling someone with an opposing opinion a lunatic is being polite??

Compared to what I would like to say about him, it sure is polite. Have you read his posts at all? Lunatic came to mind within the first couple I read from him. Either that or Vinny II. ;)

I don't like hypocrites. Says those of us who keep snakes in plastic tubs are in the wrong, while he plainly states he's accepted the risks of housing snakes together and does it anyway. Won't listen to a word anyone has to say about it, but suggests we stop keeping our snakes in tubs.

He never asked why I keep mine in tubs, but just lumped all of us together on that. He doesn't care to know that while not aesthetic, the tubs are functional, and they keep folks from eating each other. Something his snakes won't know. I don't like keeping them in tubs. But I simply don't have the room for large aquariums all over the house. At least my tubs are big and roomy.

However, I think the key point is, I didn't jump all over his thread touting my strong opposing opinions of it (for once) and getting vicious about it. By the time I'd found and read the thread, I realized there wasn't any changing his mind so no use even participating. Instead, instant ignore list. Sent a "good luck prayer" for his snakes and I kept quiet.

So ya can call me whatever you like, and like Dean once said "I'll show you how little I care". :cheers:
Bryan, I was mainly refering those who sit the sidelines and like to stir the pot occasionally. Nothing meant by it really, I just couldn't find any other way to say it.

I know...it's been a long day and I have been proof reading my crush's 20 page child development paper. I think I am stuck in proof reading mode! :crazy02:

Plus I really wanted to say that my dad would buy us satin jackets. :rolleyes: Why? I have no idea...
I take one!, ah but i don't think you could get child sizes.... just kidding. i actually wear a medium. it still would be cool to have a Satan jacket though.
my .01 worth

Cliques- I do agree sometimes it may seem like there are "the special people" when you are a newcomer. The truth is, IMO, that as you stick around you find out these people are better described as participants. Their names become known to other members because they respond to posts, offer advice when they can, share their collections and do business with other members here. They participate :rolleyes: .

Feeding schedules-We all have our own regimens that work for us and our snakes. We also have different reasons for choosing them-finances, time, convenience. As long as a person's snakes are healthy and growing it is not really an argument worth having. (It might be an interesting project to see how various collections do in long term with different feeding schedules, like Hurley did with the different clutches and slicing. But that is for discussion not arguing.)

Dean's snakes- I think there is a lot of envy of Dean's collection, (especially after Joe's pics :grin01:) some healthy, some not. He has been able to collect some awesome morphs from some of the top breeders and as he has said himself been lucky with what he received. He also spends a lot of time, energy, and money on his snakes and his setups, keeps good records and manages to get great pics. Heck, I know I would still be jealous if they all weighed 10-15 gms. But then again I am also jealous of Carol's Miamis, Mike's subocs, Daemonox's (SP?) highly varied collection, Susan's tree and on and on. They all care about their animals and this hobby. I just choose to spend my time admiring what they have rather than feeling inadequate and finding ways to blast them.

We all have a right to our opinions, but not the right to attack another member of our community, no matter who they are, for no substantial reason.That type of behavior is not necessary to get your own point across. I think that sets a bad example for the newcomers and the children that come to this forum. We are all better than that...

take it for what its worth.
Just to kind of redirect the topic back...on topic, I have to '05s. One early, who was probably born in Feb. or March, who is about 75g. And one born in May, who is 30g. I do the 5-day thing for pinkies and 6 days for fuzzies/hoppers.

I totally respect Dean and love his collection. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions and as long as no one is hurting their snakes by making them live in filth, then who gives a rat's patutie what anyone else does :shrugs: . Why can't we all just get along?

And as far as cliques go, well I think the so-called "clique" people are the founding members of this site. They are the teachers and the leaders who make contributions to the cornsnake world.
My biggest summer '05s are my blizzard female, amel mot male, and pewter female. Each weighs about 85g. The blizzard and pewter are almost three times the weight of their male counterparts of approximately the same age. Those boys are picky. The male blizzard sometimes refuses f/t for a couple of feedings, necessitating an appetite jumpstart with live. Both will rarely eat in shed. Really wreaks havoc on my power-feeding. At least in these two cases, the future breeder-slave females are the fast growers in the pairs. If I don't get max egg yield out of 'em, I'll toss 'em to the MBK. :grin01:
Roy Munson said:
At least in these two cases, the future breeder-slave females are the fast growers in the pairs. If I don't get max egg yield out of 'em, I'll toss 'em to the MBK. :grin01:

You're gonna give them to me, how sweet.
Well, I decided to jump in here (more on topic however) :)

All weights as of 12-29 - All on empty tummies

M 2004 Butter Motley 63g
M 2004 Lav Motley 31g
F 2004 Blizzard 171g
F 2004 Amel Stripe 154g
F 2004 Charcoal 145g
F 2004 Snow Mot 154g
F 2004 Ghost 112g
F 2004 Stripe 60g

M 2005 Stripe 44g
F 2005 Stripe 31g
F 2005 Stripe 65g
F 2005 Anery Stripe 64g

The 2004 Butter Mot, Lav Mot and Stripe were purchased from Rich @ this past years MARS show. They were the weight of my 2005's current average weights when I purchased them.
Roy Munson said:
At least in these two cases, the future breeder-slave females are the fast growers in the pairs. If I don't get max egg yield out of 'em, I'll toss 'em to the MBK. :grin01:

Now that is the satin jacket wearing Dean i know :cool:
Those "satin jackets" remind me of the member's only jackets. I used to wear my cousins around thinking I was cool...now I know the reality of if lol